Monday, November 10, 2014

A Little Update...

Wow!  I have really been neglecting my blog!  You might be thinking, well, they just aren't having adventures...ehhhhh...


Adventures have been happening!  I just haven't been telling you...because I've been a bit busy...

I will be catching you up but while I am working on the catch up, enjoy this little thing that I saw while on our adventures:

I am sitting by McDonald's and look over at the drive thru window and see this:

Why did I take a picture?  Check out the sign on the door of the vehicle...

Going to 80 degrees today, but then the Polar Vortex is blowing down and in the 40's tomorrow, so I have to get everything ready for the freezing night time weather in the 30's before tomorrow...

Until then...

Be well, be happy...

1 comment:

  1. Well there you are! =) Hope you've been having some grand adventures! That is a funny pic considering what the sign on the car door says! LOL!
