Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Nails Have It...

You guys know how much I love to play with my nail polishes and do crazy things with my nails.

This week I was trying to think of something fun to do in the heat.

Something not too hot, but not too cool.

I came up with this...

After choosing the color, it seemed plain and flowers alone just didn't seem to do it for me, so I thought about some Washi Tape that I have been looking at for my History Project and thought, Why not add some polka dots????  

I used a polish pen, but later realized that I have seen cute polka dots made with a bobby pin dipped in nail polish.  If only I had a bobby pin!  Do you guys have bobby pins?  Can you remember the last time you used a bobby pin?  I can't!  Perhaps I should get some just for the fun of using them on my nails, huh?

And I did!  Fun!  :)

As I was doing this, I came up with something that I want to do later in July...

Happy Tuesday all!